Bifidumbacterin dry, in ampoules for internal use

Pharmacological properties:Bifidumbacterin is an immunomodulatory means of regulating intestinal microflora; It has an antagonistic action against a wide range of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms.

Indications:The drug is used in children and adults who suffer from long-term intestinal dysfunction of unknown etiology, as well as in the complex treatment of acute and chronic intestinal infections and sepsis in newborns, in cases of acute and chronic inflammation of the large and small intestine (colitis, enterocolitis), which occur in disturbed microflora In the background, as well as for the treatment of intestinal dysbacteriosis, which develops as a result of antibacterial, hormonal, radiation and other therapies.
The drug is used in infants when they are early transferred to artificial or donor milk feeding.

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